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We hope this helps you know the role of values in your work. It might also inspire you to have the conversation with your team!

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    We've created a community of people just like you. This human community is a place for you to find kindred spirits engaged in inner development to improve their design and leadership practice.

    It's private, it's free and its for you.
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    Read the books

    There are two books ready to be discovered and explored by you. The first one, this human, is a practical guide geared to stregthen your practice as designer and leader. The second is a deep dive into your Design Character, how to define it and leverage it for a more impactful career.

    They're unique, deep and entertaining.
    Discover here.

    Buy the courses

    We've created courses that are facilitated live with Dr Melis Senova to accelerate your growth. If you want to deepen your confidence in your design and leadership practice, make sure you secure your spot in the next Design Character course.

    It's popular, runs three times a year, so jump on it.

    Secure your spot here.